Export Compliance
Export Compliance Information
The United States Government regulates the export and in-country transfer of night vision equipment and dual-use items – items that can be used for military as well as for civilian applications. The Department of State through the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC) enforces the International Trade in Arms Regulations (Title 22, Code of Federal Regulations Part 120-130) while the Department of Commerce, through the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) enforces the Export Administration Regulations (Title 15, Code of Federal Regulations Part 730-780).
Depending on the country of destination, the parties involved and the classification of the product, an export license might be required from the Department of Commerce or the Department of State. It is BestPriceOptics’ policy to comply with all applicable export laws and regulations. Under no circumstances, will BestPriceOptics export products without obtaining an export license from relevant export authorities.
It is unlawful to export, re-export, attempt to export or transfer controlled items to foreign destinations and/or to Foreign Persons (non US citizens or permanent residents) whether abroad or in the United States without first obtaining an export license from the Department of State or Department of Commerce.
Please consult the following links for detailed information and licensing requirements.
US Department of Commerce
Bureau of Industry and Security www.bis.doc.gov/
To speak with an export counselor, you may call one of the following numbers:
(202) 482-4811 – Outreach and Educational Services Division (located in Washington, DC)
(949) 660-0144 – Western Regional Office (located in Newport Beach, CA)
(408) 998-8806 – Northern California Branch (located in San Jose, CA)
or e-mail your inquiry to the Export Counseling Division of the Office of Exporter Services at: ECDOEXS@bis.doc.gov
US Department of State
Directorate of Defense Trade Controls www.pmddtc.state.gov/licensing/index.html
The DDTC Response Team provides responses to the full range of defense trade inquiries, and can significantly facilitate your defense trade solutions while affording licensing and other officers in DDTC more time for casework.
DDTC Response Team
Contact Information
Phone: (202) 663-1282
E-mail: DDTCResponseTeam@state.gov
The items on this site that are listed as restricted for export are not sold internationally.